Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mellorian Walkthrough


-A hero tank and mage can safely and quickly do the zone. Slightly larger groups of xpers can also do it, but you don't need too many. A solo hero can do it with good eq and enough effort to get themselves a gold star.
-Fly from Trellor so you have recall. The rest can phase once there's a person playing phase point south of the entrance.
-If there's someone waiting one south of the zone when you finish, you have to let them run it next. It's the rules.
-Do NOT ethereal anywhere in the zone, it kills you. Also don't idle, pretty sure that kills you too.
-If you fail the zone/die, you lose all your gold, and you can't run it again for 24 hours.
-Be careful on the balcony thing on the first level, it's out in the elements and tornados and firestorms can hit you.
-You get 50-75 eq points each run. Sea scales sell for 15+ mil, can't remember how much exactly and it's probably changed.



The first one to engage/kill the herald and get his key gets to run the zone, if there's competition. Kill the herald first.

From entrance: All n to last intersection, w, open door, n, 2u, s, open doors, w, kill herald, get key cor.
e, 2s, all w, kill sentry, get key cor
3e, 2s, all w, s, get key cab
back to stairs, d, s to intersection, get key palm
2w, open door n, n, get key box
s, 2e, s open door, e, get key clothes
w, all s, 3w, open door, n, open hamper, get all hamper, get key, drop robe
s, e, 2s, 2e, open door, n, get key drawer
back to stairs, d, s, w, open door, s, get key fire
n, 4e, open door, s, get key drawers
n, 2w, 2s, unlock cabinet, open cab, get key cab
s, all w, all s to door, open door, 2s, w, u, kill sentry, get key cor


-Get your form/other hero all north minus one from entrance.
-Go back to the second floor, all s, 2w, 2s, e, s.
-Double check your keys. "Count key" should show 12 keys, NOT COUNTING your clanhall key. Check clanwhere to make sure your form is all in the zone.
-l telescope
-Phase your form, spell up, wait til the mobs shout that their defenses have been breached, then go north and kill the pirate captain. Whoever gets the head (killing blow), give to formleader.
-For each pirate: Plague, stab, kill, mass invis. Have someone in charge of plague and/or mass invis and they can make an alias. Pirates don't see invisible.
-Kill the pirates, starting from the lowest level. There should be about 17-18 left after you finish the first level, and 5-6 after you finish the second level.
-After you kill the last pirate, give the head to the baron (NW corner of the northwest room on the top level of the citadel). Leave to 1s of the zone entrance, unkey, and tally up your loot while you wait for it to repop.



Noire Barbesea scales, white nimbus, treasure

Quite good:

Teanis3hr/5dr shield, armor, treasure
Leger - a white crystal staff (15-charge lvl 31 heal staff), -23mana/-3ss orb of disruption, inscribed sabre
Oeil5hr/3dr dagger from white dragon’s talon, 15hp/3con (held) eagle feather quill, treasure

Still not a total loss:

Secouson – level 35 sanc potion, silky black cloak, 17mana/2dr !M !C mellorian combat boots
Barbare – level 35 sanc potion, 4dr/-3sbr war only Mellorian warhelm of steel, 20hp/3wis !E neck


Epias – Gnarled oak staff (call lightning but broken, does nothing), chalice, treasure
Guerian – armor, crimson ringmail skirt, 15hp/-4sbr talisman (neck)
Garcon – 10hr/2dex ms(legs/feet) leopard skin boots, 8hr/7dr ms (arms|hands) !M !C sleeves & gloves of crusader, 38hp/4dr ms(wield/shield) 8d7 black shield with deadly serrulate edges
Veste – 1hr/1dr scabbard of white leather, checkered blue and white surcoat, treasure
Ajoutin – 3dr/-2ss !M !C golden bracer, coif of red ringlets, 4dr/4str 7d6 !M !T SE !E hammer of dwarven steel
Borlis – 5hr/4dr !M !C !T ms(feet/legs) boots of gleaming blackplates, 23hp/-3sbr !M crimson ringmail sleeves, treasure
Tiffian – 4dr/-3sbr warrior only mellorian warhelm of steel, silky black mantle, 23hp/-3sbr !M crimson ringmail sleeves
Mauvais – tabard (5hr -2ss about), sword, light
Versette – mellorian combat gloves, 3dex/30mana mantle, armor of setting sun

(Captain list adapted from here but the rest is mine.)

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