Ashton doesn't load any particularly interesting eq, but since Wikievia doesn't have a zone walkthrough for Ashton and we just finished the explore, I thought I'd write it up.
Get the pump handle and the gate key from the boy and Draug (respectively) wandering near the southern entrance to the zone.
Go to the watering hole, search in the second room, s, search, d, d, kill corpses and the undead crier.
Go down the e hall, following it, killing all the mobs behind doors for the key to the next part. On the third or fourth mob you'll get the gold City key.
Go west, then all south, unlocking as needed, kill guards, unlock trapdoor with the candlestick, ice mayor and loot ring.
Head back north, past the square, killing the women in the hallway. Women load "a pair of shoes made of cloth lava", lowbie hp feet eq.
Trans, s, e until there's a closed gate north. Unlock gate and follow path north.
Kill Ro the Bastard, "an insane man wielding a large sword...".
Up, w, n, n, e to explore the volcano. Kill the Fire Demon who loads there. You should be done with explore at this point!
Key that loads on demon seems to just be another entrance to the underground square.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Mellorian Walkthrough
-A hero tank and mage can safely and quickly do the zone. Slightly larger groups of xpers can also do it, but you don't need too many. A solo hero can do it with good eq and enough effort to get themselves a gold star.
-Fly from Trellor so you have recall. The rest can phase once there's a person playing phase point south of the entrance.
-If there's someone waiting one south of the zone when you finish, you have to let them run it next. It's the rules.
-Do NOT ethereal anywhere in the zone, it kills you. Also don't idle, pretty sure that kills you too.
-If you fail the zone/die, you lose all your gold, and you can't run it again for 24 hours.
-Be careful on the balcony thing on the first level, it's out in the elements and tornados and firestorms can hit you.
-You get 50-75 eq points each run. Sea scales sell for 15+ mil, can't remember how much exactly and it's probably changed.
The first one to engage/kill the herald and get his key gets to run the zone, if there's competition. Kill the herald first.
From entrance: All n to last intersection, w, open door, n, 2u, s, open doors, w, kill herald, get key cor.
e, 2s, all w, kill sentry, get key cor
3e, 2s, all w, s, get key cab
back to stairs, d, s to intersection, get key palm
2w, open door n, n, get key box
s, 2e, s open door, e, get key clothes
w, all s, 3w, open door, n, open hamper, get all hamper, get key, drop robe
s, e, 2s, 2e, open door, n, get key drawer
back to stairs, d, s, w, open door, s, get key fire
n, 4e, open door, s, get key drawers
n, 2w, 2s, unlock cabinet, open cab, get key cab
s, all w, all s to door, open door, 2s, w, u, kill sentry, get key cor
-Get your form/other hero all north minus one from entrance.
-Go back to the second floor, all s, 2w, 2s, e, s.
-Double check your keys. "Count key" should show 12 keys, NOT COUNTING your clanhall key. Check clanwhere to make sure your form is all in the zone.
-l telescope
-Phase your form, spell up, wait til the mobs shout that their defenses have been breached, then go north and kill the pirate captain. Whoever gets the head (killing blow), give to formleader.
-For each pirate: Plague, stab, kill, mass invis. Have someone in charge of plague and/or mass invis and they can make an alias. Pirates don't see invisible.
-Kill the pirates, starting from the lowest level. There should be about 17-18 left after you finish the first level, and 5-6 after you finish the second level.
-After you kill the last pirate, give the head to the baron (NW corner of the northwest room on the top level of the citadel). Leave to 1s of the zone entrance, unkey, and tally up your loot while you wait for it to repop.
Noire Barbe – sea scales, white nimbus, treasure
Quite good:
Teanis – 3hr/5dr shield, armor, treasure
Leger - a white crystal staff (15-charge lvl 31 heal staff), -23mana/-3ss orb of disruption, inscribed sabre
Oeil – 5hr/3dr dagger from white dragon’s talon, 15hp/3con (held) eagle feather quill, treasure
Still not a total loss:
Secouson – level 35 sanc potion, silky black cloak, 17mana/2dr !M !C mellorian combat boots
Barbare – level 35 sanc potion, 4dr/-3sbr war only Mellorian warhelm of steel, 20hp/3wis !E neck
Epias – Gnarled oak staff (call lightning but broken, does nothing), chalice, treasure
Guerian – armor, crimson ringmail skirt, 15hp/-4sbr talisman (neck)
Garcon – 10hr/2dex ms(legs/feet) leopard skin boots, 8hr/7dr ms (arms|hands) !M !C sleeves & gloves of crusader, 38hp/4dr ms(wield/shield) 8d7 black shield with deadly serrulate edges
Veste – 1hr/1dr scabbard of white leather, checkered blue and white surcoat, treasure
Ajoutin – 3dr/-2ss !M !C golden bracer, coif of red ringlets, 4dr/4str 7d6 !M !T SE !E hammer of dwarven steel
Borlis – 5hr/4dr !M !C !T ms(feet/legs) boots of gleaming blackplates, 23hp/-3sbr !M crimson ringmail sleeves, treasure
Tiffian – 4dr/-3sbr warrior only mellorian warhelm of steel, silky black mantle, 23hp/-3sbr !M crimson ringmail sleeves
Mauvais – tabard (5hr -2ss about), sword, light
Versette – mellorian combat gloves, 3dex/30mana mantle, armor of setting sun
(Captain list adapted from here but the rest is mine.)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
How to lose a heck of a lot of gold.
How to lose a heck of a lot of gold:
- Buy ship
- Outfit Ship
- Take ship out
- Get Ruby Kah
- Run into several Khrait while under attack by Ruby Kah
- Attempt to limp back to shore
- Sink!
And done. What.. ehem, 'bad luck' for me.
What the damage looked like right before sinking:

If that's even readable. T.T
All those black squares represent a destroyed (0 health) room.
- Buy ship
- Outfit Ship
- Take ship out
- Get Ruby Kah
- Run into several Khrait while under attack by Ruby Kah
- Attempt to limp back to shore
- Sink!
And done. What.. ehem, 'bad luck' for me.
What the damage looked like right before sinking:

If that's even readable. T.T
All those black squares represent a destroyed (0 health) room.
V Digest #2: upcoming changes
June 2 news entry: Vryce hypes up some features he's gonna be putting into the game.
Mentioned as coming soon (no word on how soon, though):
*Bloodswords (which will need to spend a certain amount of time in CPK daily)
*The "Explore" module, which will reward players with lots of experience for fully exploring a zone.
*Economy changes, notably:
Gold tax
Clan businesses
New wagon trading equations
Higher prices to buy trade goods
Trade goods produced by clan businesses that need to be taken to a trade post
Ship trading (to islands)
It sounds like he's going to do all the economy changes at once, but he didn't say anything explicitly confirming that.
Mentioned as coming soon (no word on how soon, though):
*Bloodswords (which will need to spend a certain amount of time in CPK daily)
*The "Explore" module, which will reward players with lots of experience for fully exploring a zone.
*Economy changes, notably:
Gold tax
Clan businesses
New wagon trading equations
Higher prices to buy trade goods
Trade goods produced by clan businesses that need to be taken to a trade post
Ship trading (to islands)
It sounds like he's going to do all the economy changes at once, but he didn't say anything explicitly confirming that.
clan businesses,
Aq, and xp
After being told of some work that needed to be done, i called upon a dragon. I instructed the dragon to fly to the Mellorian Citadel, and upon arrival, i headed straight to the baron. The baron was afraid that his soldiers may not be sufficient to fend off an impending pirate attack. I headed to Trellor and met with the Commander of the stormwatch. He offered his services for a price. So, off i headed to the Fortress Shadowclaw to track down 8 red eye gems. I arrived at the zone, and with help from Kyushla, i was able to obtain the 8 gems. I called for the services of another dragon, and headed back to Trellor. Upon obtaining his payment, the Commander requested I inform the Baron of his tentative arrival. The Baron rewarded me handsomely, on a job well done.
"The Citadel Baron says, 'A great deal of thanks to you, Skibharr. Here, take this as your reward.'
The Baron of the Citadel raises his hand and claps it. A herald walks into the room and presents to you a bar of platinum and quickly leaves the room."
But, the adventure didn't stop there, as i was leaving, Fflewddur and Impet from The Knights Templar arrived, intent on assisting the soldiers of Mellorian Citadel in their defense. I quickly joined their form and off we went. Fflewddur stabbed the pirate captain first off, and then we began to locate and dispatch the pirates. We finished up, and informed the Baron of our completion, and we collected our reward.
That was adventure today. I look forward to more adventures.
"The Citadel Baron says, 'A great deal of thanks to you, Skibharr. Here, take this as your reward.'
The Baron of the Citadel raises his hand and claps it. A herald walks into the room and presents to you a bar of platinum and quickly leaves the room."
But, the adventure didn't stop there, as i was leaving, Fflewddur and Impet from The Knights Templar arrived, intent on assisting the soldiers of Mellorian Citadel in their defense. I quickly joined their form and off we went. Fflewddur stabbed the pirate captain first off, and then we began to locate and dispatch the pirates. We finished up, and informed the Baron of our completion, and we collected our reward.
That was adventure today. I look forward to more adventures.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Keilana's newbie caster set
I got this newbie caster eq list (link to original) from Keilana in the early days of 29 or maybe before and I've been using it since, but I don't know if she's the one who actually put it together.
The items are reasonably easy to get but still the kinds of things a higher-level player would get for a newer player. Some are rareish loads but a lot are pretty reliable. Ask (in the game or in comments) if you need help.
LIGHT: a mudskipper's eye, on Mudskippers in Underground Shafts
FINGER: a diamond ring, on Myosilla in Githyanki (round 35ish mana is good)
NECK: Advocatus Diaboli, on Solarious in Trellor Graveyard
OR Seashell necklace from Pirate Ship
HEAD: a veil of black silk, on Sephanel in Alendora
OR a pair of thick glasses from librarian in Reclasta
OR a a long black cowl from members in G'dangus
LEGS: a pair of black trousers, on a palace servant in Celestia
FEET: a pair of simple brown sandals, on 'the librarian' in Reclasta
OR a pair of windtreading slippers, on Wind Spirit in Trellor graveyard
*(slippers are also a weight 1 boat, so nstore a pair in inv for perma levitate)
OR maroon leather boots, on Kaurdag in Mynoric (mana)
HANDS: gloves of Casting, on Terrakor Dylan in Mynoric (mana)
OR the blood of Jai'nesgar, on Da'raen in Alendora (hp)
ARMS: the bracers of defense, on Herosai in Crime Underground
SHIELD: one of Leviathan's scales, on Leviathan in Lattyrna (hp)
OR a maroon and ebony checkered kite shield, on Kaurdag in Mynoric (mana)
ABOUT: the wings of a sodalite naiad, on sodalite naiads in Ryvaera
OR a surcoat made of black unicorn hair, on Berkovic in Cliff of Berkovic (hp)
WRIST: a sapphire studded bracelet, on Myosilla in Githyanki (mana)
OR a wristband made of snakeskin, on a slimy snake in Rydhordel
WIELD: the tentacle of a talisar, on talisar in Shadmire
HELD: a slender purple iris, on ground in Celestia (2 per pop)
OR Tyssa's bloody heart, on Tyssa in Gloumewood (search corpse)
BODY: a polished hide of scales, studded with blue timmerite, Component item from Sealed caves/Dray'mar
WAIST: belt, on captain of the Imperial Guard in E'nat'dae
OR a cord of black silk that ties around the waist, on Evil mayor in Derah
Most of these items are easy to pop, but just a couple of notes:
* Solarious is probably borderline if you're little
* Librarian is quite hard, but charmable for higher levels
* Leviathan most likely requires help (as king with key is rough)
* Berkovic about item requires a complete run of the zone.
* Sealed caves component for body item is a high level/sneak get too
* Body item is 15hp/-10ac it has 15 ac-ap though - this means it will reduce your ac by a multiple of 15 (depending on slot). Body has a ac-apply multiplier of 3, hence
15x3. So total -ac for the eq item is -55.
Here's a melee set along the same lines. It's not entirely how I'd want it though, because a lot of nice, new, easy to get newbie melee eq has become available since then. I'll replace a few things and put it in a different post later.
The items are reasonably easy to get but still the kinds of things a higher-level player would get for a newer player. Some are rareish loads but a lot are pretty reliable. Ask (in the game or in comments) if you need help.
LIGHT: a mudskipper's eye, on Mudskippers in Underground Shafts
FINGER: a diamond ring, on Myosilla in Githyanki (round 35ish mana is good)
NECK: Advocatus Diaboli, on Solarious in Trellor Graveyard
OR Seashell necklace from Pirate Ship
HEAD: a veil of black silk, on Sephanel in Alendora
OR a pair of thick glasses from librarian in Reclasta
OR a a long black cowl from members in G'dangus
LEGS: a pair of black trousers, on a palace servant in Celestia
FEET: a pair of simple brown sandals, on 'the librarian' in Reclasta
OR a pair of windtreading slippers, on Wind Spirit in Trellor graveyard
*(slippers are also a weight 1 boat, so nstore a pair in inv for perma levitate)
OR maroon leather boots, on Kaurdag in Mynoric (mana)
HANDS: gloves of Casting, on Terrakor Dylan in Mynoric (mana)
OR the blood of Jai'nesgar, on Da'raen in Alendora (hp)
ARMS: the bracers of defense, on Herosai in Crime Underground
SHIELD: one of Leviathan's scales, on Leviathan in Lattyrna (hp)
OR a maroon and ebony checkered kite shield, on Kaurdag in Mynoric (mana)
ABOUT: the wings of a sodalite naiad, on sodalite naiads in Ryvaera
OR a surcoat made of black unicorn hair, on Berkovic in Cliff of Berkovic (hp)
WRIST: a sapphire studded bracelet, on Myosilla in Githyanki (mana)
OR a wristband made of snakeskin, on a slimy snake in Rydhordel
WIELD: the tentacle of a talisar, on talisar in Shadmire
HELD: a slender purple iris, on ground in Celestia (2 per pop)
OR Tyssa's bloody heart, on Tyssa in Gloumewood (search corpse)
BODY: a polished hide of scales, studded with blue timmerite, Component item from Sealed caves/Dray'mar
WAIST: belt, on captain of the Imperial Guard in E'nat'dae
OR a cord of black silk that ties around the waist, on Evil mayor in Derah
Most of these items are easy to pop, but just a couple of notes:
* Solarious is probably borderline if you're little
* Librarian is quite hard, but charmable for higher levels
* Leviathan most likely requires help (as king with key is rough)
* Berkovic about item requires a complete run of the zone.
* Sealed caves component for body item is a high level/sneak get too
* Body item is 15hp/-10ac it has 15 ac-ap though - this means it will reduce your ac by a multiple of 15 (depending on slot). Body has a ac-apply multiplier of 3, hence
15x3. So total -ac for the eq item is -55.
Here's a melee set along the same lines. It's not entirely how I'd want it though, because a lot of nice, new, easy to get newbie melee eq has become available since then. I'll replace a few things and put it in a different post later.
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