Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First post


Excerpt from clannews (I'm opposed to extra work >.>)

Go ahead and post about pretty much anything: trs, xp runs,
eq runs, towngames, the exciting parts or frustrating parts you'd
tell people on clan about later. Discuss med events, new changes,
complain about stuff. Stuff from your life you want to show off is
great too, and we could use it to organize bigger runs or suggest
stuff for us to do.

The only things to really stay away from are: complaints that are
personal attacks, personal stuff you don't want the public/internet
reading (if you're okay putting it on the clan channel it's probably
fine), etc.
If you want to be able to post, let [Kyushla] or Vlue know and we can
send you an invite.

If you don't want to post, you can still stay in touch by following
the blog or or setting up an RSS feed. (Following will send
notifications to your email, I think.)


Woot! I hope you all make good use of this! It will give you
all a chance to keep in touch with those members who do
not log on at the same time as you. :3

--- Vlue


  1. Also, I forgot this one, but it is *absolutely essential* that people post funny logs.

    For everybody's amusement.

    I'll also probably write digest versions of V's long essays about the changes going into the game, but that's just me.

  2. Please do! SOMEONE needs to translate for V! LOL
